Sunday, November 11, 2018

What I've Learned in 2018

God is good, all the time. 

Sometimes it's hard to see and it's very easy to get into a dark spot mentally and not see light at the end of the tunnel, but we have to remember he's in charge and all of the pain we go through is for a reason in the end.  He's in control and he's already written our story.  He knows how this ends already, but we need to hang in there and glorify him in all ways we can.

Be Grateful, all the time.

I still have air to breathe.  My eyes and ears work, as do my legs.  I can still give and receive love and kindness.  I have a mother that is literally a saint and a brother who would die for me.  In addition, I'm blessed with some really awesome people who would be there in a minute, if I needed them.  I may not have a lot of "family", but I'm connected to a lot of people who love like family.

Tell each one of them how much you love them and how they help you.  It's important for each person to know the impact they have on your life.

- Mom is kind, patient (beyond belief), loyal, eternally loving, kicks me in the butt when I need it, sensitive when I need that, tremendous listener and always trying to get me to be the best James William Moore I can be

- Tom is loyal, inspiring, patient (also beyond belief), ass kicker, understanding, forgiving, gives me an outlet to talk about stuff that doesn't matter and ALWAYS in my corner - especially when I don't deserve it

- Todd is a role model, a leader, inspirational, authentic, extremely committed, driven, great listener, gives tremendous advice (provides what's needed), loyal, dependable and a great teacher

- Mike is a great listener, always available when I need him, gives great advice, provides what's needed in each moment, a role model (shows me it can be done), extremely caring

- Brandon is a great listener, extremely caring, emotionally supportive, reliable and consistent, provides what's needed, reminds me to trust in God & accepts my flaws

- Paul is inspirational, a leader, a teacher, great listener, provides spot on advice (in each situation), checks in because he cares about me as a person, inviting, warm, caring and exceptionally encouraging

That's just the people that came to mind in 2 seconds.  I have several others too that would do anything I needed but I shut them out, because I isolate myself and live in my head.  I let my mind run wild in the wrong direction far to often.  As Joel says, if you're gonna let your mind go wild, let it go in the direction of abundance/surplus and what's possible

Say the serenity prayer several times a day and stay in faith.  What's impossible for me isn't close to impossible for God.  He turned water into wine, pulled water from a rock and created all of this.

He's blessed me with way more than I deserve and I am eternally grateful for that.  Also, he'll give me the strength I need to get through these challenging times and come out far stronger and better on the other side.  Faith is REALLY tough in the middle, but it's necessary.  When you hang in there, you'll be rewarded with two, three, five or ten times what you should get.  Also, I need to remember to sit still and know that he is God.

Also, I really believed God called me to write this tonight, because I've not written in this blog for over 6 1/2 years.  Let's make it a trend going forward.


  1. JW - I found this post inspiring ... it is AMAZING the power of gratitude. No wonder, the Bible says "In every thing give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. II Thessalonians 5:18"

    Concerning JW: He makes it easy to inspire because he is open to feedback, desires continual improvement, is optimistic, and he desires to do the right things for the clients and friends he serves.

  2. This is a great post James! Thank you for sharing this. An attitude of gratitude is such a great way to live and also seems to be quite helpful during certain low spots. I liked how you spoke in specifics about your gratitude. We really do have so much to be thankful for.

    I am grateful for the friendship I have gained with James aka JW in the past month. His honesty, open mindedness, and willingness are all attributes I have noticed quickly and I greatly respect. I look forward to continuing down this road with him.
