Thursday, July 15, 2010

Who should I follow?

who writes legit blogs on ther reg?

Let's talk about...

What do you want to talk about? There are many of stories to talk about today but I want your input! I recently decided to abstain from booze and smokes (1 minute ago, and mainly for health reasons). Not pumped about it because of a great song I heard a while back by Rodney Atkins (15 Minutes). Feel free to correct me gramatically as I am not a great speller, but I will do what I can. I hope you get my views (agree or not).

I saw today that 60% of people doubted the messiah! I'm shocked that 40% still believe in him, although they're on the payroll I geuss and want him to continye paying their way, To be honest, I have hated him since he became a congress women, but I can't stand her. He's so ridiculous with his policies and he blames Bush for everything. If I get hit by a car tomorrow should I blame Goerge W? (this computer loves Obama and it's making me missoele words).

I MISS capitalism! What happened to working hard and making a living. I'm not in the best situation, but having a job is better than none right? Wait....... No it's not; because if you have a job that pays less than unemployment, then you won't work right? Employers gets that every day and it's just ridiculous.

Also, "you have made enough when YOY'VE MADE ENOUGH," Isn't that socialism at it's finest? I mean he made close to 6 million last year, did he pay taxes on that> Please reponse a non welfare Barack supporter!

Let's start by calling him pigglet

Let me start by saying that I am aware he's the best player in the world, and assuming that he doesn't start playing in the near future, he will be that best golfer we have seen to date. However, we did see him look a little more like a mortal when Y.E. was able to beat him head to head this year and Phil beat him the last two tournaments they both played in. That being said, I want to focus more on the matters of public interest now. I am not a perfect guy and I don't know one as of now, but I think what this should show us is that sports stars and celebrities in general should not necessarily be held as role models. We should have known this for a while now seeing as how so many other celebrities do this or similar things on a consistent basis, but I think this hit us a little harder. I was unaware of this until two days ago, but there was actually a First Church of Tiger Woods (or something along those lines, may not have been exactly that). It was started by a man named John Zeigler. He does a lot of different things (most recently made a documentary and posted it on his website, but this is one that he felt very passionate about. I saw him on TV the other day talking about how he was the biggest Tiger advocate and really believed that Tiger was the closest thing to perfect we had seen in quite some time. I know a lot of Tiger fans and while I never asked them, I bet that before this scandal came out, a lot of them would have said the he is almost perfect. There was an article that came out early in 1997, right before he won his first masters. In this article, written by Charlie Pierce, Tiger acts as most 21 year olds would act (as he should). It wasn't that he did anything horrible of indecent, he just told some crude jokes and talked about women in a less than flattering way and was all about material things. That's what most 21 year old men do. I know I did and still do some of that to a certain extent, so I am not dissappointed in that except for this side of it. Tiger's dad always talked about how he was the next messiah and the greatest thing since Jesus. I know that every dad will be proud of their son and probably see him on a level higher than he really is, but this is a bit extreme. I think the blame for that falls mostly on Papa Woods, but Tiger has to know that his dad has made him into a world phenomanom by then and should probably be careful what he says. His father is a whole other matter which doesn't need to be discussed by anyone with a brain as he clearly isn't and wasn't ever the next messiah. One thing I believe that can be seen in this is that people hold celebrities in a higher regard (fairly or unfairly) than others. If I was married and had multiple mistresses and my wife found out and we got divorced, no one outside of my immediate world would care, but since it's Tiger, the whole world wants to know. I think Charles Barkley (may have been Dennis Rodman) said it best when he said "I'm not a role model, it's not my responsibility to raise your kids, it's yours." That seemed like an arrogant statement at the time, but as more and more celebrities continue to act like normal humans, it becomes more accurate. A lot of high profile athletes are unfaithful or commit other acts that some condem, but Tiger is in a different realm. Tiger has a little different dynamic than most though, as he has been very reserved with the media for the longest time, as well he is the most recognizable athlete in the world today. This is why he will be scrutinized more than most by TMZ and the like, yet hardly at all by major news networks. They are scarred to say anything about him because they're affraid he wont talk to them any longer. Also, he won't lose many (if any) of his sponsorships, because he means to much to them. Gatorade shut production down of his own drink, but they're not going to cut ties with him. He's the most important athlete associated with Nike, so they won't cut ties either. What I would like to have happen is for the media to not play up great athletes like they are great people, but that won't happen, so I hope parents stress that to their children. Also, I hope we all keep that in mind as we get older. It's easy to see them as great people, but the fact of the matter is, most of the time they are just like us except they are great at their sport. I really don't judge people (at least try hard not to) because I don't really care what people do, but if you want to hook up with different people all the time, don't get married. I act more like Tiger in that way than I do Tim Tebow, but I'm not married. Derek Jeter has a different girl every night, but no one cares; in fact, most people (including myself) would love to have the list of girls he has, but he's not married. If Tiger was single, this wouldn't even be an issue. I'm not saying to not get married, because I'm sure it's an awesome thing, but if you want to behave like that, don't wed until that's out of you system. I heard a quote by Chris Rock "A man in only as faithful as his choices," and I'm not sure if that's 100% true or not, but I do know that it's a lot easier to be unfaithful if you're rich, famous, or good looking, or famous. If you're all four, you can get almost anyone you want. I'm sure that's inticing to most people (definitely would be to me), just don't be fake about it and pretend you're something you're not.

Hello Messiah

American liberals, leftists, social progressives, socialists, Marxists and Obama supporters, et al: We have stuck together since the late 1950's, but the whole of this latest Election process has made me realize that I want a divorce. I know we Tolerated each other for many years for the sake of future Generations, but sadly, this relationship has run its course. Our two Ideological sides of America cannot and will not ever agree on what is Right so let's just end it on friendly terms. We can smile and chalk It up to irreconcilable differences and go our own way. Here is a model separation agreement: Our two groups can equitably divide up the country by landmass each taking A portion. That will be the difficult part, but I am sure our two sides can Come to a friendly agreement. After that, it should be relatively easy! Our Respective representatives can Effortlessly divide other assets since both sides have such distinct and Disparate tastes. We don't like redistributive taxes so you can keep them. You are welcome to The liberal judges and the ACLU. Since you hate guns and war, we'll take Our firearms, the cops, the NRA and the military. You can keep Oprah, Michael Moore and Rosie O'Donnell (You are, however, Responsible for finding a bio-diesel vehicle big enough to Move all three of them). We'll keep the capitalism, greedy corporations, pharmaceutical companies, Wal-Mart and Wall Street. You can have your beloved homeless, homeboys, hippies and illegal aliens. We'll keep the hot Alaskan hockey moms, greedy CEO's and rednecks. We'll keep the Bibles and Give you NBC and Hollywood .. You can make nice with Iran and Palestine and we'll retain the right to Invade and hammer places that threaten us.. You can have the peaceniks and war protesters. When our allies or our way of Life are under assault, we'll help provide them security. We'll keep our Judeo-Christian values.. You are welcome to Islam, Scientology, Humanism and Shirley McClain. You can also have the U.N.. But We will no longer be paying the bill. We'll keep the SUVs, pickup trucks and oversized luxury cars. You can take Every Subaru station wagon you can find. You can give everyone healthcare if you can find any practicing doctors. We'll continue to believe healthcare is a luxury and not a Right. We'll keep The Battle Hymn of the Republic and the National Anthem. I'm sure You'll be happy to substitute Imagine, I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing, Kum Ba Ya or We Are the World. We'll practice trickle down economics and you can give trickle up poverty Your best shot. Since it often so offends you, we'll keep our history, our Name and our flag. Would you agree to this? If so, please pass it along to other like minded Liberal and conservative patriots and if you do not agree, just hit delete. In the spirit of friendly parting, I'll bet you Answer which one of us will Need whose help in 15 years. Sincerely, John J. Wall Law Student and an American P.S. Also, please take Ted Turner, Sean Penn, Barbara Streisand, & Jane Fonda with you. P. S. S. And we won't have to press 1 for English

The Messiah

Has anyone written a note since the second week this came out? I doubt it, so I doubt that anyone of my friends (at least facebook friends) will read this and if anyone does, they will probably hate my attack on the "Chosen One" but regardless of that and the fact that it won't be posted until there are only two hours until the polls close in Indiana, I am going to write it anyways.
I read the only other note that I have written (about the Florida Gators after they won the national title in football my senior year) and I realized that I was right on almost everything in the note (except for the Big 12 not being as good as the Big 10; but who was I to know that IU would hire the worst coach in America and Ron Zook would go back to being the old Ron Zook and eventually the lack of QB's at Wisconsin would come back to haunt them and that Lloyd Carr would get fired and Michigan would take a step back? Ok, I should have known all those would be true just by looking at the recent past, I mean IU is a bunch of Fucking Retards, Zook is football's Mike Davis, Carr couldn't beat The OSU and that gets you fired; ok maybe not the Wisconsin thing, but I digress, let's get to the point of this; wait, isn't it football?)
Ok, seriously, I know that Obama sparks hope in a lot of people, but let's look at why. He is a charismatic, good looking, well spoken, mild mannered guy who talks about change. That sounds awesome to people because he is not the typical presidential nominee, although neither was HRC. He is a better public speaker than McCain, but all of those speeches are prepared for him (I know that is a big deal now be GWB can't speak at all). However, "my friends," that is not what makes a good president. If you want a good looking guy who can articulate, look confident, say a slogan over and over again who knows very little about politics, I fit that bill. I am not a person who says things like, "i am better than Jamal Tinsley" or "my grandma is better than Bob Sanders" (although I still to this day will say that I am better than Bill Lynch, but so are you, so that is true) nevertheless, I will say that Barack knows less about politics than anyone ever has who has run for President of the US. McCain was a POW longer than Obama was in Congress. Also, let me remind you that of Obama's 6 year term, he won't serve the last two, and the second two he spent campaigning, so has he really done anything at all? I am in need of a job right now and I am a believer in taking a chance on people, sometimes multiple chances, but not with this job, not with the worst economy of my lifetime (love the low gas prices though). I mean people want to knock Sarah Palin (myself included) but for a liberal to say that she isn't qualified when they are going with the most unqualified person to run for president to date is unfathomable. I would make the arguement that no one ever will have less experience than he does. Even Goerge Washington had more experience, by leading us in the Revolutionary War.
Moving on to his political views; he wants to lower taxes for the working class family (that started out at $250,000 a year or more and has moved all the way to $42,500) and yet start $3 Billion worth of new gov't programs. He wants to redistribute the wealth. That is fucking awesome Barack, but lets address two issues there. Let's see how many families really make less than $42,500 a year? What you really mean is you want to help out the impoverished families, not those who make $60,-100,000 a year. So your tax cuts are really tax increases then? Also, how can a guy start $3Billion worth of gov't programs with the economy the way it is. Let's raise taxes so that the words disposable income will become as rare as calling a cigarette a fag. Plus, side note, this guy gave $1,600 to charity this year, WOW Barack, that is a ton, I made $50,000 this year and gave $500, so lets compare, his income is equivalent to $1,000,000 since he never has any expenses and he gave $1,600 and I made 1/20 of his equivalent income and gave close to the same amount. He must be one hell of a generous guy. O wait, he is like every other liberal I know; "let's help the poor and use all the resources we need to do so! Oh wait, what's that? My money? No, not my money. I want to help the poor, but not on my dime, use the tax payers money! What? I am a tax payer? Oh, then I don't know what to say.
I don't think McCain is the best candidate in the world and if we lose this election I will say what I told liberals when Kerry lost, if you brought a better candidate to the table, you could have won. That being said, I just can't vote for a person who wants to take all of the privately held 401k plans and make them government property so that he can do what he wants with them. You know what that means, my parents and your parents and every other hard working person who has a 401k plan just lost it and that piece of shit who panhandles you for money every day on the sidewalk now gets a lot more of your money. You know what, why not? Let's just go to communism, then everyone will be equal and we will all have universal health care, and 90% of american's will become secretaries, because who wants to be the boss when you have more responsibility and no more pay? Sign me up for that!

gator nation

It's a great day to be a florida gator or a gator fan! it's a horrible day to be a florida state fan, a georgia fan, a tennessee fan, or any other gator hater and to that i say; Suck It, you're rooting for the wrong team anyways. No other school has held both the basketball and football national championships at the same time, so this is something pretty awesome. Everyone who knows me knows that first and foremost, i am a diehard hoosier fan, but when you're a diehard iu football fan, you die hard a lot. So, i feel a need to embrace this national title by my second favorite team since the hoosiers will never, ever win one in football, at least while i am alive. Besides embracing this win, i want to address a few issues. i admit that i was a person who thought that Urban Meyer's offensive trickery wouldnt work in the SEC; well, it not only works in the SEC, but it works everywhere. And in all honesty, they have the best defense in football (at least out of the teams that normally play on saturdays). I am a big supporter of the Big Ten, but lets take a moment and look at the Big Ten and the SEC. in the 3 bowl games they played head to head against one another the big ten did win 2 of the three (Wisc. over Ark. and Penn St. over Tenn.), but the one that really mattered, the SEC dominated. Both conferences had 2 teams in the BCS, the Big Ten 0-2 and the SEC 2-0. In all honesty, the second best team in the country probably resides in Baton Rouge. I love the big ten and i want to defend it (and there are many ways to defend it, but there aren't many when it comes to the scoreboard and onfield success), but the SEC's speed is far superior to any other conference. Since speed is what wins these days in football, the SEC will continue to dominate. Until the Big Ten learns to go get track guys, or at least figure out how to block 6-6 270lb linemen who run 4.4 40's, it will be the second best football conference (and dont give me any of this shit about the ACC, Big East, Big 12, or Pac 10 being anywhere close to the SEC or Big 10). Anyways, i thought i would just take a minute and talk about how i, and all other hoosier football fans should embrace success by there second favorite team, and also how the Big 10 coaches must recruit better or learn to come up with answers for their inadequacies to defeat the SEC. Finally, and most importantly, fear the chomp; cuz "If you're not a gator, you're just gator bait!"