Tuesday, July 10, 2012

July 10, 2012

I said last night that changes will be made today.  I was intentional about that and I am still today.  I don't have control over something things I'd like to see change, but I do have control over my life and I need to do some things differently.  A lot of stuff I do can be eliminated and it would help me tremendously.  There are positive ways to relieve stress and I will start doing those things.  I'm going to eliminate things that inhibit me in some form or fashion.  They're silly to do and I don't need them in my life.  Not cutting out fun but I am going to behave and act in different ways.  I have a huge responsibility to my loved ones and myself to make sure I'm around for a long time.  I used to not worry about that, but that's such a selfish way to think about it.  Everything I do and do not do impacts people in my life in positive or negative ways.  I've volunteered for this responsibility and I need to leave up to all that comes with it.  I'm really looking forward to it.

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