Tuesday, July 10, 2012


What do you want out of life?  When you're time here is over, how do you want others to remember you?  What legacy are you leaving?  What did you do to impact this world?  What did you experience?  What would you have done differently?

It seems clear to me as I write this that I want to take a ton of chances and risk what I have for what I can have.  I want to love everyone I choose to as deeply as possible.  I want to have as much fun with the people I love as possible in this short time I'm allotted.  Whatever living life to the fullest means to you, I encourage you to do that.  When I look back when my time on earth has passed I want to say that I loved and gave to others as much as possible.  I want to say that I took stands and chances.  I learned as much as possible and passed on that knowledge to others.  I inspired and influenced others to be the best they can be.  I was the best husband, father, son, brother, uncle and friend I could have been. 

Time here is short so I'm going to make the most out of it I can every minute I'm here.  I won't waste time on things that don't matter and I will spend every minute I can with loved ones.  I'm super excited about the possibilities I will create and what that looks like. 

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