Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The America I Want

This is a pivotal election we have coming up in November. It will decide the course of America the next for years (which is always the case), but it could also decide our long-term sustainability as a powerful country. America was founded on a set of principals unlike any other country before it. The U.S. Constitution laid the foundation for what America became. Now, we are interpreting it in vastly different ways than it was intended to be so we can get desired outcomes. That seems very manipulative to me and very dishonest. Is that a country you want to live in? The people who wrote the Constitution knew that this would be the framework for our country moving forward, so they were very specific and yet a little vague at the same time. I think it's clear what they meant by each amendment and it's not how it's being interpreted now. Why are we not taking a stand for this?

Something I've learned recently is that if you really care about someone or something, you should take a stand for it. Don't tolerate anything that's not acceptable to you. This applies to this situation for me. Why are we allowing the media to use misleading information that blatantly slants its views in favor of Obama? Why are people not looking at facts and statistics and doing their own research? I know he's a spin master, but it's not hard to see what his vision for America is. It's not what we are founded on and it's not anything I want any part of.

The upcoming presidential election is very simple: do you favor capitalism and people deciding their own futures, or do you favor the government controlling everything. If you think that government should be made up of people elected by our people who act in the best interest of our people then why would you vote for Obama? I know there are other issues that are important to individuals, but this election should not be about abortion, guns, gay rights, or anything other than what you governments role should be.

People's creativity, ingenuity, passion, innovation, drive, leadership, good fortune, and inspiration made them successful. That's the whole basis of capitalism. The government doesn't "allow" people to be successful Mr. President. Government shouldn't be separate from the people, unless you tyranny. If you want to keep stripping liberties outlined in the Constitution and making people more dependent on the government the vote for him. If you want to erase the middle class and make this a divided country, then go ahead and vote for Obama. He's not for the middle class at all. He wants a few elite people, so they can be the evil villains and a whole bunch of peasants, totally dependent on the government for everything. He believes that since the government prints the money it's inherently theirs and when we make money we should give most of it back to the government because they know much better ways to spend it than the people do. Also, only the Federal Government matters don't worry about state government at all. They're unnecessary in the grand scheme of things. The federal government should control everything and decide what's best for us.

Is that any fucking place you want to live? I don't and I won't tolerate it. It's absurd and ludicrous. It's wrong on so many levels and people are permitting it. Please look into what's really going on and how these policies that are in place will affect our future. Also, look into the possibilities that exist when we elect Mitt Romney. North America has enough natural gas to be self-sufficient in 5 years. If that happens, we can substantially reduce costs of manufacturing and bring a lot more jobs back to America that went overseas. Mitt Romney represents what America was built on and job creation so that it continues. Obama represents an ideal that the federal government controls everything and decides what's best for you and me. The choice is yours and I implore you to choose wisely as the future of America is at stake.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Being Thankful

Today I'm choosing to express my gratitutde for all of the awesome things in my life.  I'm going through a lot of change right now and by next Friday I intend to have decisions made.  It's a very stressful, exciting, scary, and uncertain time and I'm choosing to focus on all of the amazing gifts I receive from others every day.  I woke up this morning and am typing this right now, so I'm on this earth still.  I took a shower and have clean clothes to wear.  I have a family that loves me dearly.  I am blessed to have some incredibly giving and loving friends.  Recently (although it feel like forever ago) I committed to a relationship with the most incredible person I know.  There are things I'd like to fix or at least have them be different, but I am blessed in so many ways it's remarkable.  I just moved myself to tears thinking about.  I encourage you to do the same today.  Make sure the ones you love know that you love them.  You cannot over-express love and gratitude.  The most powerful feeling I have experienced is when people share with me the impact I've made on their life.  Please share that with others.

With Love,

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

July 10, 2012

I said last night that changes will be made today.  I was intentional about that and I am still today.  I don't have control over something things I'd like to see change, but I do have control over my life and I need to do some things differently.  A lot of stuff I do can be eliminated and it would help me tremendously.  There are positive ways to relieve stress and I will start doing those things.  I'm going to eliminate things that inhibit me in some form or fashion.  They're silly to do and I don't need them in my life.  Not cutting out fun but I am going to behave and act in different ways.  I have a huge responsibility to my loved ones and myself to make sure I'm around for a long time.  I used to not worry about that, but that's such a selfish way to think about it.  Everything I do and do not do impacts people in my life in positive or negative ways.  I've volunteered for this responsibility and I need to leave up to all that comes with it.  I'm really looking forward to it.


What do you want out of life?  When you're time here is over, how do you want others to remember you?  What legacy are you leaving?  What did you do to impact this world?  What did you experience?  What would you have done differently?

It seems clear to me as I write this that I want to take a ton of chances and risk what I have for what I can have.  I want to love everyone I choose to as deeply as possible.  I want to have as much fun with the people I love as possible in this short time I'm allotted.  Whatever living life to the fullest means to you, I encourage you to do that.  When I look back when my time on earth has passed I want to say that I loved and gave to others as much as possible.  I want to say that I took stands and chances.  I learned as much as possible and passed on that knowledge to others.  I inspired and influenced others to be the best they can be.  I was the best husband, father, son, brother, uncle and friend I could have been. 

Time here is short so I'm going to make the most out of it I can every minute I'm here.  I won't waste time on things that don't matter and I will spend every minute I can with loved ones.  I'm super excited about the possibilities I will create and what that looks like. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012


I recently read a leadership book that really hit home with me.  There are many great points in there and I'm sure I will write a post about this book, but today's is focused on leadership.  How do we lead in our day to day life?  We are all volunteering for the leadership positions we hold (i.e. boss, husband, father, friend, etc...) so no one is forcing us to do this.  What comes with leadership is incredible responsibility.  This is a great thing, not some weight that ties us down or holds us back.  We get to influence others and impact their lives in a positive and uplifting manner every day.  Tomorrow might not come, so let's make the most of today and every moment of it.

The two primary positions to lead from are power and authority.  Power would be when you force someone to do something based on your seniority or superiority to them.  Authority is when you influence them to take action based solely on your beliefs and the rapport you've built with them.  Which sounds better to you?  Both can achieve the desired outcome, but one of these builds and sustains relationships.  You can lead from authority at any time and in any situation.  You do not need to be in charge or superior to them, in fact, you could be a subordinate and lead from authority. 

The best influencers the world has ever seen have all lead from authority, not power.  People will be moved to do whatever it takes and then some for the cause when we lead from authority.  Jesus never once lead from a position of power because he had none (in terms of rank and file), yet 1/3 of the world identifies themselves as Christian and two of the major holidays in the U.S. are based on his life and our linear timeline is based on his lifetime as well.  I would say he was able to influence people.  We can all choose which method is best for us and at times both will be necessary and I would encourage you to lead from authority when you intend to accomplish monumental feats.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


What are friends to you?  There's no universal answer that I know of, but to me there are people that will absolutely bring what's wanted and/or needed all the time.  When you need support they do that for you.  When you need a kick in the ass they do that too.  I know that I have many amazing friends in my life and there are three that really helped me last night, so I'd like to talk about them for a bit.

Tracey, thanks for being awesome when I needed you to be.  First, you got me into a program that absolutely changed my life for the better!  Second, you always bring what's needed in all instances.  Thanks for being fucking amazing always.  "You get out of it what you're bringing!"  To use your saying, love you like cake!

Nico, you da man!  Love you buddy and I'm sorry for not being a better buddy to this point and that will change from this point moving forward.  You absolutely make me smile every time I think about you buddy.  You know how awesome that is?  Still have our picture from Chumleys as my background on my phone and have no plans of changing it buddy, you are awesome!  Also, my alarm clock is like 5 screens to the left on my phone and it's all you and your smile there, so I wake up everyday to that.  Thanks.

Katie, you are awesome babe and I love you so much!  Thanks for calling me out on my shit last night, needed it badly!  Every day is better than the last and I'm so excited to see where this goes baby!  You amaze me every day with things you say and do and I'm super lucky to have you in my life.  Thanks for being you every day; it's fucking awesome!  Anything, anytime, anywhere you need anything, I'm always there for you!

These are three of the most important people in my life and I have sooooooooo many more who would do the same.  It's awesome when you open up to and explore the possibilities that are out there!  Bring what all of you every minute of every day and see the amazing things that happen. 

"Run your car off the side of the road
Get stuck in a ditch way out in the middle of nowhere
Or get yourself in a bind lose the shirt off your back
Need a floor, need a couch, need a bus fare

This is where the rubber meets the road
This is where the cream is gonna rise
This is what you really didn't know
This is where the truth don't lie

You find out who your friends are
Somebody's gonna drop everything
Run out and crank up their car
Hit the gas, get there fast
Never stop to think 'what's in it for me?' or 'it's way too far'
They just show on up with their big old heart
You find out who your friends are

Everybody wants to slap your back
wants to shake your hand
when you're up on top of that mountain
But let one of those rocks give way then you slide back down look up
and see who's around then

This ain't where the road comes to an end
This ain't where the bandwagon stops
This is just one of those times when
A lot of folks jump off

When the water's high
When the weather's not so fair
When the well runs dry
Who's gonna be there?

You find out who your friends are
(yeah, yeah)
You find out who your friends are

Run your car off the side of the road
Get stuck in a ditch way out in the middle of nowhere
(Well man, I've been there)
Or get yourself in a bind lose the shirt off your back
Need a floor, need a couch, need a bus fare
(Man, I've been there)

Man, I've been there"

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Don't Settle for Mediocrity

Often times in our lives we say and believe that we are committed to certain things and when it comes down to it we are committed to a point.  If it's really that important to us we will do whatever it takes to make sure we accomplish what we intend to.  When we are willing to pay any price, we will achieve what we set out to. 

So many times in my life I've settled for mediocrity and I am changing that.  I've only been committed to a point, so I would try to achieve something, but it was acceptable not to and I rarely did reach my goal.  How sad is that really?  I've not been committed to anything of importance to make sure that I achieved my goal no matter what.  Until now and I'm really looking forward to it!  It was my biggest breakthrough to date to even realize this.  Now, let's get out of the Knowing and Doing Gap!

Help others with this too.  I'm not the only one on this earth who has a tendency to settle for trying or average or okay enough or anything else less than great.  Love and support them when they need it and kick them in the ass when that's called for too.  Expect the same in return.  The late Steve Prefontaine said it best:"to settle for anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift."

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Awareness is incredibly important in life.  When we are aware of what is around us and what we are experiencing and what we are causing we can shift if it's not working.  I want to believe that people would never intentionally disrespect or harm someone, but it happens all the time.  We get pissed about "stuff" that "happens to us" all the time because we are unaware of what we are causing.  Awareness allows for shifting and shifting allows for things to work.  If it's working we're all good and if not we need to decide if it's important that it works for us or if we remove ourselves from that.  Be aware today!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Amazing People

Hello there!  Haven't written anything lately that I didn't subsequently delete and I'm starting fresh now.  I am going to tell you about some amazing people in my life.  All of them are incredible leaders and I'm blessed to share a transformational journey with them.  If these people don't change their world I'll be suprised.  All of us leave places better than when we got there and we impact others lives.  We challenge each other daily and support each other always.  I've never been this connected to another group of humans in my life.  They are all amazing people so let's get to each one.

Katie Divine is such an amazing leader.  If you know her you understand how powerful, joyful, committed, authentic, supportive and loving she is.  She dates me if you can believe that?  Crazy for me to think this truely beautiful woman loves me!  It's fucking incredible and I'm so blessed to be a part of the greatness she causes daily.  When she decides to be more vocal and go get what she wants, look out world!  She's truely a blessing for everyone and the most amazing person.  Thanks love.

Jonathan Osborn is an awesome leader of people.  This dude brings energy anywhere he goes.  Everyone knows when Jonathan's in the house because the entire place becomes alive.  He seeked me out a while back and I'm greatful he did.  He's incredibly smart, authentic, loyal, powerful and loving.  This young man calls me all the time and sincerely wants to know how I'm doing and how he can help.  You da man homie and I love you.

Kara Slusser is a powerful leader.  She's so genuine and authentic all the team and it inspires everyone around her.  She's constantly there for whatever you need.  Also, she's really, really, really smart and driven.  She is such a giver and it's incredible.  This young woman will get whatever she wants and I can't wait to see it!  I love you, thanks for being a part of my life.

Nico Diaz is a loving and passionate leader!  He's the best buddy anyone can ask for.  He's so curious and deeply interested in how others are doing.  He loves everyone and is always in a positive state of mind.  He creates joy and happiness and love and openess everywhere he goes.  You know when Nico was there and that's awesome.  I love you buddy.

These people are my family.  I'm not even joking, they are family.  Get to know them because you will benefit from it.  I'm the old man of the group so I guess I'm dad, haha!  Seriously, they so profoundly impact my life every minute of every day.  It's an amazing feeling to know that I'm a part of their amazing lives that are getting better daily.  Reach out to all of them and tell them who you are and experience everything about them.  It will be one of the best decisions of your life.  Also, we all look really good in photos together!